Welcome to INVITE DAILY!


  • By using INVITE DAILY, you agree that the Company must carry out background check on every information, document or materials submitted by you or on your behalf to INVITE DAILY.
  • INVITE DAILY retains the right to use its discretion and screen persons registering on this platform either as traveling guests or hosts; for the sole purpose of ensuring that persons with criminal intent are not allowed to benefit from our services.
  • Fees paid on this platform are non-refundable.


  • INVITE DAILY is a virtual platform fully owned by VISAWORLD DOT COM LIMITED - a Nigerian-based travel, tour and visa agency.
  • The idea behind INVITE DAILY is specifically targeted at legally facilitating smooth transmission of international travel invitations to legitimate recipients around the world.
  • INVITE DAILY's platform is open only to legitimate hosts and travelers around the world. We have put in place modalities to enable us screen persons who require our services to ensure only eligible ones have access to our services.
  • All users of our platform are responsible for every information they provide about themselves as well as any omission, mistake or misinformation thereof.
  • Persons who choose to use our platform as traveling guest, are required to register with a one-time non refundable fee, which is displayed at the point of registration. Registration fee may be reviewed without prior notice to users.